About Us
Established in 1982, Darr Feedlot is a custom feedyard with the knowledge and experience to feed and market your cattle to their highest profit. Our rich history in Dawson County, Nebraska has allowed us to develop the strong relationships with the community and allied industries that are critical to long-term success. We value the role that advancements and progressive technology play while we continue to be at the top of the feedlot business by prioritizing cattle health, handling, efficiency, and profitability.
Top of the Line Facility
- 48,000-head feedlot capacity with pen sizes varying from 60-250 head.
- Sandy, sloping and mounded pens provide excellent drainage and reduce the mud factor.
- Well maintained pens allow maximum comfort and the best possible performance.
- Fence-line feed bunks and continuous flow waterers provide a clean, safe water source and a wise use of space.
- Personalized programs tailored to fit each customer’s needs through the utilization of cattle, grass and feedstuffs.
- Feedback to producers to discuss performance and marketing helps improve total profitability.
- Predictable performance and consistent results have led to customer satisfaction, repeat customers and new business.
- Owned by local cattlemen with years of cattle-feeding experience who understand cattle and the region.
- Experienced personnel are highly trained and knowledgeable, and continue to learn and improve with new methods.
- Particular attention to detail from dedicated and highly qualified personnel provide the individual attention needed for pen riders to keep watch over your cattle.
Animal Health
- Preventative programs performed on arrival help to limit sickness and lower mortality.
- Modern and clean working facilities provide safe and efficient handling of cattle.
- Computerized record keeping provides individual animal records.
- Experienced pen riders review cattle daily.
- Consulting veterinarians work with the feedlot and customers to help insure a successful program.
- Our dedication to the Beef Quality Assurance Program assures that proper medications are administered and withdrawal dates are met.
- Main feed ingredients are high moisture corn, wet corn distillers, dry rolled corn, silage and alfalfa hay.
- Ration adjustments are made as weather changes occur.
- Mill and bunk readings are computerized for accurate and complete records.
- Sampling is conducted on ingredients and rations for consistency.
- Utilizing proven and predictable feed additives for optimum growth and conversion.
- A nutritionist is available weekly to formulate rations and monitor feeding performance.
Complete Records
- Cattle breakeven projections are completed on each pen of cattle to allow the customer to plan his marketing.
- Feed bills inform customers of feed and medicine charges twice a month.
- Performance analysis details weights, feeding performance and a profit or loss statement.
- Carcass data available on an individual pen basis.
Other Features and Benefits
- Specialists in calf feeding
- Cattle and feed financing
- Summer and winter grazing programs
- Carcass data collection
- Forward contracting of feed
- Merchandising of customer’s feedstuffs
- Transportation assistance
- Cattle insured against accidental death
Marketing Programs
- Selling finished cattle
- Assistance with risk management
- Forward contracting
- Value-based marketing of cattle
- Locating feeder cattle
- Partnering on cattle